Dr. Israel Figa’s Top Five Tips to Prevent Heart Attacks

Heart Attacks, among other heart diseases, are one of the leading causes of death across the world. When the flow of blood to the heart is blocked, you experience a heart attack. The flow is blocked or disturbed due to fat, cholesterol, and other substances building up in the arteries. The heart may suffer from serious or minor damage after going through an attack. Once you have gone through a heart attack, no matter how mild it was, the condition of your heart changes forever.


There are different extremities of heart attacks, for example, they can be severe to the extent that you might need hospitalization and surgery like a bypass, other times they can be so mild that you’ll feel slightly woozy. Dr. Israel Figa states some of the general symptoms that you go through during a heart attack:

  1. Pressure, pain, or squeezing sensations in the center or left side of the chest and arms that may spread to your neck, jaw, or back.
  2. Nausea or vomiting
  3. Indigestion or abdominal pain
  4. Fatigue
  5. Sudden dizziness
  6. Cold Sweats

In some cases, you will find that a heart attack occurs so suddenly and quietly that you don’t even feel like going through anything. This may seem like a minor heart attack, but follow-up treatments are necessary to prevent them from occurring again. One leading symptom of a heart attack is constant chest pain that occurs after physical activity. Some attacks strike suddenly, without any visible symptoms, in that case, call for an ambulance immediately.

Seeking medical attention as soon as you identify yourself or someone else to be experiencing a heart attack is very important. Perform CPR after calling for medical services if you find someone in the situation.

Risk Factors

Heart attacks are caused by the buildup of unwanted substances that block the blood flow to the heart. Various factors contribute to this buildup. Many of these factors are due to lifestyle choices, however, some may also be attributed to unchangeable factors such as age, gender, and family history. According to Dr. Israel Figa, some of the most contributing factors that lead to heart attacks and other heart-related diseases stem from the following;

  1. Tobacco

Whether directly smoked or long-term exposure to secondhand smoke, where someone around the patient smokes, both are equally hazardous and lead to many diseases of the lung and heart.

  1. Obesity

Obesity is related to high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and so many more health issues. All these issues combined make for an increased risk.

  1. Stress

Stress adds burdens to your mind and takes a toll on your body. Long-term exposure to stressful situations may also risk heart attacks.

  1. Illicit Drug Intake

Cocaine and other stimulant drugs may cause spasms in your coronary arteries that may cause heart attacks.

  1. Inactive Life

Limited physical activity due to laziness or lifestyle may lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and cholesterol issues, etc.

5 Precautionary Measures to Keep the Heart Healthy

You can save yourself the trouble of suffering from cardiovascular diseases at any point in life, because, let’s face it, there are increasing cases of heart attacks among young adults these days, by taking preventative measures and making adjustments to your lifestyle. Here are the top 5 ways through which, according to Dr. Israel Figa, you can reduce the risk of heart attacks.

  1. Quit Smoking

You need to quit any form of nicotine, tobacco, or any other form of chemical intake to protect your respiratory system and the heart. A single cigarette contains more than 7,000 chemicals which, when inhaled directly or indirectly, gradually damage the blood vessels and your heart. So whether you indulge in smoking tobacco pipes, cigarettes, vapes, weed, etc., quit before you cause permanent damage to your body.

Your body will take around a decade or even longer to recover from your current smoking habits if you are a heavy indulger. People who claim to smoke “occasionally” also expose themselves to the same risks. There are many support groups, nicotine patches, and various other services available to help you break your habit of smoking.

  1. Get Proper Sleep

Adequate amounts of sleep are very important to maintain good health. Adults require around six to seven hours of sound sleep every night to function properly. Insufficient sleep caused by lack of routine, insomnia, sleep apnea increase the risk of heart diseases. Your body may shut-down automatically if you push it past its maximum limit. Similarly, too much sleep may also cause you problems with your heart as it is a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle.

  1. Stay Calm and Stress-Free

 While it is not possible to maintain a state of Zen all the time, you should try to manage your levels of panic during uncomfortable situations. It is not always possible to avoid stressful situations that require urgent responses or cause mental tension. Nevertheless, you can practice ways of staying calm even in these situations for instance by doing breathing exercises to remain calm, practicing yoga, or picking up a hobby that helps you relax. Even the most boisterous personalities can manage to stay calm in such situations by practicing self-control.

  1. Managing Blood Pressure Levels

Managing your blood pressure levels is essential for maintaining the health of your heart as all blood is pumped through it. So, imagine the strain it will have to go through to pump blood with either extremely high pressures or dangerously low ones. People of all ages must get their blood pressure checked ones or twice a year to keep tabs on their levels. You can make various changes in your diet and lifestyle to avoid high blood pressure levels.

  1. Decrease Your Cholesterol

Lowering and maintaining the lowered cholesterol level should be a priority for anyone who was diagnosed with high cholesterol. Excessive cholesterol builds up in the arteries and causes blockages. You should get regular tests for your cholesterol levels and maintain a diet that supports the desired levels.

Final Words

You need to keep good care of your heart to prevent heart diseases because once your heart is damaged, your life will change forever. It will change the way you eat, work, walk, sleep, etc. Maintain a proper diet, get regular checkups, get proper sleep, and develop the habit of exercising for 30-60 minutes a day.

Following the precautionary measures can keep you safe from a lifetime of trips to the hospitals and medications.

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